Ethiopia, the oldest independent nation in Africa and one of the early kingdoms to rise to power in the territory was the kingdom of Dmt, in the 1oth century BC, which established its capital at yeha and has a heritage dating back to the first century AD. The traditional history recounted by most Ethiopian –a fabulous landscape populated by such shadowy legends as the Queen of Sheba, king Solomon, Traders from Greece, Rome, Persia, and Egypt knew of the riches of what is now Ethiopia, and by the first century AD, Axum was the capital of a great empire. This realm became one of the first Christian and Muslim lands of Africa.
Axum declined and a new Zagwe dynasty, centered in what is now Lalibela, ruled the land. Axum, Lalibela, and Gondar now provide the greatest historical legacy. It was in the 16th century that the son of the great explorer Vasco da Gama came to Ethiopia. He found a land of many kingdoms and provinces beset by feuds and war and more

The African kingdom of axum or Aksum was located on the northern edge of the highland zone of red sea coast, just above the horn of Africa, and Cradle of Ethiopian Civilization
The Axumite empire the root of modern Ethiopia lie in the Axumite Empire, which was centered on the city of Axum, and formed world a major force in the world trade between the 1st and 7th century AD, Axum most impotent cluster of antiquities, including the stelae park, birthplace of Ethiopian ancient civilization, Axum was a seat of legendary rulers and fabulous kings and an empire that extended across the Red Sea to Arabia, traded with India and China, had its own alphabet and notational system, and constructed great engineering works and dams. It was reckoned in the 4th century to be one of the four great powers of the ancient world.
This ancient city is also believed to be the last resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. The holy city of Axum is still one of the most important Christian pilgrimage centers. Here, visitors can see stelae (the largest single pieces of stone erected anywhere), the tombs and castles of kings, Axum Museum, and the Mariam Tsion Church, built on the site of Ethiopia’s first church, and much more. A visit pre-Axumite temple of Yeha

Ethiopia is one of the most ancient countries of Africa, with a unique ancient history and great civilization, Ethiopia is a place with great natural beauty and people that are extremely polite and treat you with dignity and goodness,
When it come to the early history of lalibala, little is known for certain originally called Adefa or Arafa, probably as the capital of one of the local fiefdoms that rose to prominence when the Axumite Empire disintegrated, in the mid 12th century, it may have been established as early as 7th or 8th century AD and also Lalibela is revered as a saint, is said to have seen Jerusalem and then attempted to build a New Jerusalem, credited with the foundation of the 11 rock-hewn churches in the 12th century. Some of the world’s most incredible manmade creations, these remarkable edifices were carved out of solid rock, in a region where the rugged landscape still protects the churches from mass tourism. The 11 churches are found in the town of Lalibela. Other churches are reached through drive this visit during the great celebrations of Timket (Epiphany) and Gena (Ethiopian Christmas) is particularly rewarding.
Bahir Dar and Explore Ancient monasteries with lake Tana

There’s quite a bite to do and see in the immediate vicinity of Bahir Dar, much of it focused on Lake Tana and the nearby Nile outlet. Bahir Dar is a Beautifully lakeside town, and often the first stop on the historic north circuit of Ethiopia, the most popular things to do in Bahir Dar is boat trip out on to lake Tana, Ethiopia’s largest lake, and set on the southeastern shore of Lake Tana, the source of the mighty Blue Nile River. On the lake, local fishermen still use papyrus boats to fish and get around the different islands. And the Blue Nile fall is one of those fascinating places you don’t want to miss on your Bahir Dar trips, here the Blue Nile creates “Smoking Water, an awe-inspiring sight as it plunges into the gorge below. You can also explore some of the ancient island monasteries that have been built around 16th and 17th they are 37 these are well structured and designed with pictures of martyrs, shelter 20 monasteries — surviving remnants of an old, contemplative tradition. Because of their isolation, these monasteries were used to store treasures and religious relics from all parts of the country. The lake’s monasteries are famous for their typical Ethiopian religious paintings, illuminated manuscripts, and other ancient church treasures, with its priceless collections of icons and remains of several medieval emperors Kebran Gabriel, and Ura Kidane Mehret, famous for its frescoes. The colorful local market at Bahar Dar is alo very interesting for visitors.
Gondar is the city of the Golden Age (17th century) located at the hearts of a mountain range,
Gondar’s most impotent tourist Attraction is the central Fasil Ghebbi, walled compound enclosing half a dozen 17th century castles and palaces, and The largest of the three former capitals that form the backbone of northern Ethiopian historical circuit and stand at an altitude of 2,200m in the highlands north of Lake Tana, Gondar was the 17th-century capital of Ethiopia and is notable for its medieval castles and churches. The city’s unique imperial compound contains a number of castles built between 1632 and 1855 by the various emperors who reigned during this period. These dramatic castles, display richness in architecture that reveals the Axumite traditions as well as the influence of Arabia and some European country Visitors could take in the very fine and recently restored medieval church of Debre Sina Maryam at Gorgora, at the northern end of Lake Tana, or vistas of the Simien Mountains.
Harar city Museum

The Historic Harar city is located eastern part of Ethiopia in the middle of a plateau with deep gorges surrounded by deserts and savannah and part of historic circuits. The walled city of Harar is an ancient city with rich and colorful history. Harar, is 530km east of Addis Ababa. Night time enjoy part with watching Hyena man feeding show. If you are brave enough you can feed them yourself which is a spectacular experience and Surrounding this sacred Muslim city were built between the 14th and 17th centuries. Harar Jugol, said to be the fourth holiest city of Islam, numbers 82 mosques, three of which date from the 10th century, and 102 shrines. But the townhouses with their exceptional interior design constitute the most spectacular part of Harar’s cultural heritage. The impact of African and Islamic traditions on the development of the town’s building types and urban layout make for its particular character and uniqueness.
We are providing the cultural tour specialists in Ethiopia. Our cultural tour to the Historic and cultural Route is designed or crafted by our experienced tour operators and led by our expert specialist tour guides. For any of the above attractions, Bale trek Ethiopia Tours, can organize a tour program by air and/or road travel. Please contact us through our address then we can do together something very special for you and depending on your interest and the time you have & we can make a program that suits your interest, time, and budget.